
Mellower gaze

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「Mellow」代表溫和、溫柔,並且有「使之成熟」的含義,象徵Mellower gaze溫柔陪伴消費者一同學習、成長, 「Gaze」則代表廣闊的視野,每個人都有自己的生活經驗,有著各自不同的故事,面對生命中的挑戰,以更開闊的視野、更多元的想像,幫助每個人在不同的狀態下都能活出屬於自己的精彩故事,只要園藝察覺自己當下的狀態、想法,都能夠找出正確的那一條路,進而通往理想的生活,生命的主導權就掌握在自己的手上,願每一個人都能活得精彩且自在。




















"Mellow" represents gentleness, tenderness, and the idea of "maturity." It symbolizes how Mellower Gaze accompanies consumers in learning and growth. "Gaze" represents a broad perspective, acknowledging that everyone has their own life experiences and unique stories. By embracing a broader perspective and diverse imagination, we aim to help individuals live their own extraordinary stories in different states. As long as we are aware of our current state and thoughts, we can find the right path to lead us towards our ideal lives. We hold the power to control our own lives, and we hope that everyone can live brilliantly and freely.

Mellower Gaze initial design features calligraphy strokes resembling grass script to enhance brand recognition. The new design utilizes a font with better legibility, incorporating techniques such as slanted lines, simple strokes, and variations in thickness. This design balances a rational outline with a touch of liveliness. The overall design is clean and sleek without feeling cold.

The hedgehog is the protagonist, representing a gentle heart beneath its seemingly strong exterior. Through interactions with various animal characters, we explore different interpretations of seemingly uneasy, fearful, or anxious situations. By shifting our perspectives and attitudes, we can discover new understandings and break through barriers and misunderstandings. Through heartwarming illustrations, we aim to invite consumers to reexamine their relationships from a broader and gentler perspective.

In one illustration, the hedgehog avoids the crocodile's sharp teeth. But actually, the hedgehog is taking out the crayon and filling the color on the crocodile’s teeth. They look like many pieces of flying flags. Oh, today is crocodile’s birthday. Are you ready to join the birthday party?

This teaches us that behind frightening people or things, there may be a gentle and lovable side. By changing our mindset, we can find understanding between one another.

In another illustration, the hedgehog and the shark have a seemingly tense encounter. However, it turns out that the shark helps the hedgehog open the bottle with his teeth. Eventually, they are both drinking the drinks under sea, enjoying the delightful moment together.

Shark seems cool and scaring. Change your mind. You can’t judge a book by its cover. This cooperation brings them closer, illustrating that conflicts are common in life, but with understanding and communication, we can face challenges with a more open mind.

The gorilla perched on a tree, observing the hedgehog on the ground. The hedgehog curled into a ball, afraid of being noticed by the gorilla. They remained in a stalemate for a while, both fearing to harm each other and hesitant to make a move. After clearing up the misunderstanding, they sat together and enjoyed a bowl of popcorn.

Prejudice often blinds us from seeing the truth of things. We become trapped by long-held beliefs, resulting in confirmation bias. It is important to timely shift our attention and change our perspective. By doing so, we may realize that our fears are merely a product of prejudice.

The hedgehog pulls out one of its spines, seemingly protecting itself from the wild wolf's attack. However, in reality, the hedgehog intends to use the spine to stitch up a large hole on the wolf's stomach. Fortunately, thanks to the hedgehog's help, the wolf is saved from further harm.

Concept: By using imagination to flip the familiar stories we encounter, we can overcome the unchangeable aspects of life. Imagination holds unlimited possibilities, allowing us to change our perspectives and mindsets in different ways, helping us overcome the challenges that cannot be avoided. Through creating different endings to stories, we can take control of our own lives. We often overlook the many factors we cannot control, but by harnessing the power of imagination, we can change our mindset and find different solutions in difficult situations.

The hedgehog holds an umbrella, while a lion waits nearby. The lion's magnificent mane has lost its vibrant colors, and its mood is gloomy. However, it turns out that the lion simply wanted to borrow the umbrella. After the rain clears, the two of them enjoy the sunshine together. The lion's fur regains its luster, shining like a small sun.

Concept: When faced with problems, we are often trapped by our emotions, making it difficult to act rationally. This emotional state can also affect those around us and lead to misunderstandings. However, by becoming aware of our emotions and thoughts, we can heal ourselves and return to a balanced state. This allows us to approach life's challenges with a more objective mindset and find solutions to overcome difficulties. By shifting our attention to the present moment, we can observe why we have certain thoughts and beliefs. Incorrect beliefs may prevent us from recognizing the true underlying issues.

The hedgehog complains while helping the porcupine groom its quills. The porcupine feels that the hedgehog is being rough. After they finish, they go for a ride together. Thanks to the hedgehog's trimming, the porcupine can finally wear its sunglasses comfortably. The hedgehog embraces the porcupine, and they both realize how comfortable and soothing it is.

Concept: Each person's beliefs can lead to biases. The more familiar we are with people or things, the more prone we are to confirmation bias, where we reject new ideas and only seek confirmation of our existing beliefs. To overcome this, we need to engage in learning, understanding, and cultivate empathy within ourselves. This enables us to compassionately accompany and connect with others, fostering a more gentle and understanding environment.

The hedgehog sits nearby, cutting paper, seemingly intentionally keeping a distance from the leopard. The leopard, on the other hand, is affected by lightning, causing its spots to scatter all over the ground. It loses confidence and appears very gloomy.

However, the hedgehog sticks the neatly cut paper pieces onto the leopard's body, making it look even more vibrant and captivating. The two of them sit in silence, filled with trust and care for each other, without needing words to convey their bond.

Concept: Love is not just a feeling but also an action. It is through our actions that we can truly experience and express love. By engaging in loving actions, we create connections and foster a greater sense of love in our lives. In our relationships with loved ones, conflicts may arise, big or small. However, by breaking free from preconceived notions and taking action, we can sustain and nurture love.

Mellower gaze’s new packaging is built on the concept of "environmental conservation." Introducing cotton and linen drawstring bags, the brand combines its signature blue color with a refreshing and natural light beige tone, creating a sense of pure and natural aesthetics. By reducing single-use packaging, these bags can be used for everyday storage. By caring for our skin, we also extend our care to our precious planet.

The seven products are connected through adorable illustrations, appealing consumers and leaving them unwilling to let go. These illustrations convey a message of positivity, changing perspectives, and understanding. Mellower gaze aims for more than just skincare repair; the cute and heartwarming illustrations also have the power to heal even the tiniest cracks in relationships.