

  • 電動車平台品牌識別設計 | 應用設計 | 品牌命名 

Charge the Future.





「BattWay」電車未,趨勢不漏電,品牌命名以 better way 諧音及 battery 電池的概念轉換,象徵電能的美好前景,也暗示電動車將帶來更多便利的生活方式。電能,不僅拉近了距離,也縮短了時間,提升人類的生活品質。電車未以專業的電動車資訊出發,過濾錯 誤資訊及假消息;串連車主生活,交織一面暢行無阻的社群網絡。

識別設計以速度感、移動感為核心概念,在這個電力亂竄的時代,電動車資訊每秒都在更新,將字體筆畫 減少,細節增加直角與斜角,不僅呈現俐落也具現代感,更表現出專業、未來之意象,強調電車未打造透明、 雙向的電動車資訊平台,掌握資訊的即時性與正確性。名片上的符號為閃電之意象,不過於明顯的視覺點綴,加強了電能的感受,多張名片的組合,就像串連起 來的電流,綿延不絕,不斷的交織、不斷的流通,奔馳在通往未來的道路上,電力飽滿,過站不停。

The pursuit of the future is the driving force behind human progress. From manual labor to mechanization and automation, from animal power to fossil fuels, the development of energy sources has accelerated since the moment we harnessed electricity. Electricity has brought us closer, shortened distances, and improved the quality of human life. Its integration into the automotive industry has driven the booming development of electric vehicles. Through internet technology, it connects every road and every driver, taking steps towards the future.

In this era of electric chaos, information about electric vehicles is constantly updated, and complex and vast data emerges every second. BattWay creates a transparent and bidirectional electric vehicle information platform to ensure real-time and accurate information.

Electricity connects people’s lives, and we are dedicated to providing electric vehicle owners with a free and unconstrained community. Apart from sharing the owners’ lifestyles, it also serves as a platform for exchanging electric vehicle parts and components. Car owners who love personalized styles can find parts that represent their own tastes through BattWay, making electric vehicles not just a means of transportation but also a way to create a unique aesthetic life. By promoting horizontal communication through “sharing,” a close-knit information network is formed among car owners, making electric vehicle life more enjoyable.

“BattWay電車未” (BattWay Electric Future) is launched based on professional electric vehicle information, filtering out false information and fake news, while connecting car owners’ lives and interweaving a smooth and unimpeded community network. Speeding towards the future, full of power, making non-stop progress.

The brand name is derived from “better way” and “battery,” representing the bright prospects of electric energy and implying that electric vehicles will bring more convenient lifestyles. Electricity not only brings us closer but also shortens distances and enhances our quality of life. “BattWay電車未” (BattWay Electric Future) starts with professional electric vehicle information, filtering out false information and fake news, while connecting car owners’ lives and interweaving a smooth and unimpeded community network.

The identity design focuses on the concepts of speed and mobility. In this era of electric chaos, electric vehicle information updates every second. The reduced strokes and increased angularity of the font convey a sense of neatness and modernity, representing professionalism and a futuristic image. It emphasizes that BattWay aims to create a transparent and bidirectional electric vehicle information platform, ensuring real-time and accurate information. The symbol on the business card represents a lightning bolt, subtly enhancing the feeling of electricity. The combination of multiple business cards is like a connected electric current, continuously interweaving and circulating, speeding towards the future, full of power, never stopping at stations.