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源自一份想給孩子最純粹的呵護 ,讓我們慢慢細說分享給您聽
Organic B 有機比比 的創立,因為客戶的寶寶一出生就有嚴重的異位性皮膚炎,花了很多時間尋找安心的織品衣物,過程中發現原來在台灣重視天然、無毒有機棉的選擇這麼貧乏,因此毅然決然的創立台灣在地有機原棉品牌.


在品牌企劃前端,我們了解Organic B 從尋找原物料、廠商製作、開發產品的過程中,經歷許多困難,為了找尋適合寶寶拍攝的場景,我們翻遍中南部地區所有民宿,也在道具佈置與氣氛營造做了很多事前作業,期望打造寶寶舒適、安心的使用情境,實際拍攝時,模特寶寶們不受控的可愛表情與肢體動作,逗趣的模樣也讓攝影師捕捉到不少療癒的照片。



Organic B用更高的成本,更高品質的規範,讓繽紛布料也能舒適、無害,加上通過GOTS認證生產的有機棉原料,採用歐盟認證無毒的環保染印,也期望透過國際插畫師的原創設計,讓更多媽媽在照撫寶寶上,感受有機棉的美,一起以最純淨、溫柔的親膚衣物擁抱孩子吧~

Originated from a simple idea to deliver pure care to a child. Let us slowly tell and share with you our story.
We had a customer whose baby had severe atopic dermatitis from birth and spent a lot of time looking for safe fabrics and clothing. We discovered that the choices of natural, non-toxic organic cotton in Taiwan were limited. We took the plunge to establish Taiwan’s local organic raw cotton brand. Therefore, Organic B was born.
To make the most comfortable fabric for the baby’s skin, we choose “Bengali Muslin unique double-layer cross knitting technique”. Which can achieve nearly five times the ultra-high breathability of ordinary cotton fabrics, the texture is more skin-friendly and soft. The fabrics are good to deal with the humidity in Taiwan. No matter which type of skin, it could keep you warm and comfortable in summer or winter.
In the early stages of product development, almost no factories in Taiwan are willing to make Muslin, traditional craftsmanship that is labor-intensive. However, we insist on using organic cotton. It is a big challenge, whether it is raw materials, weaving methods, and order quantity.
To let the parents have the best choice to give their babies pure and safe care. To persevere the hearts of mothers with their children, we persist on this goal.
At the front end of brand planning, we understand that Organic B has experienced many difficulties in the process of finding raw materials, making manufacturers, and developing products. To find a suitable scene for baby shooting, we searched all the homestays in the central and southern regions. In the pre-work, we set up props hoping to create a comfortable and safe environment for the babies. In the actual shooting, the cute expressions, body movements, and funny gestures of the model babies allow the photographer to capture a lot of healing photos.
yet clean. The product selection and the layout of the fabric design are separated into two different sections. It could bring clearer visual while selecting the products.
In addition to recording the hard-working process of brand creation, we also teach parents how to choose suitable clothes and products for the babies allowing parents to understand the needs of babies more quickly. On the other hand, we divide the layout of unique drawing designs on the fabrics separately in order to introduce the designs from international illustrators, which are only exclusive to the organic bibi baby fashion.
Organic B spends more on cost to have higher quality specifications to make colorful fabrics comfortable and harmless. The organic cotton raw material produced through GOTS certification adopting EU-certified non-toxic, environmentally-friendly dyeing and printing technique. It is also hoped that through the original design of international illustrators, more mothers can feel the beauty of organic cotton while taking care of their babies, together with the purest and gentlest Hug your child with skin-friendly clothing.
100% GOTS Organic CottonMade in Taiwan